
August 20 - Pilot Cove, Gabriola Island

I am a little tired today.  Last night at Hornby Island, the wind howled and our boat spun round and round with the anchor chain making a lot of noise.  I was up a few times to walk the outside perimeter and try to determine if we were any closer to shore or to the other boats than we had been when we went to bed.  Rob was not bothered by the turbulance or outside noise.  He was awoken by my patrol however and said "Is that you, I thought pirates were on board .... I’m sure we’re anchored……just fine zzzzzz”.  Anyway, I set the anchor alarm (first time) on our chartplotter to notify me if the boat moved more than 15 meters.  Fifteen meters was an arbitrary choice (in case you’re curious) but it is also the length of the boat.  Two hours later, the alarm went off but we were still ok; I did another walkabout to find that we had swung 180 degrees but were still clear of all solid obstacles.  Happily, the alarm did not disturb or even wake Rob.  Nope, just me.

Tonight we are anchored in a pretty cove at Gabriola Island, off the Strait of Georgia.  It is not overly quiet and the wake from the passing ferries is knocking us around a bit.  Lots of artificial light from passing ferries and flashing lights near the cove entrance seem strange compared to our northern anchorages.  It has been a very hot day and we are glad of the strong wind whistling through every porthole but sleep may elude us tonight.   However, we feel close to home now; I can see Russia North Vancouver from my boat.   Tomorrow, we will line up with other boats to go through Dodd Narrows at slack current and steam ahead to Ganges Harbour at Saltspring Island where we look forward to a visit with good friends.  

The view from our stern at Pilot Cove, Gabriola Island

A beautiful night sky

A sunset walk on the beach

A ferry goes by

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