
July 17 - Dawsons Landing, Rivers Inlet

We spent a relaxing morning waiting for a higher tide before leaving our anchorage because at low tide, the margin for error (i.e. potential to hit rocks) was too great.   Then we traveled to Dawsons Landing where we are now docked for the night. It has been a beautiful hot and sunny day. Dawsons Landing is a series of floating buildings and docks that advertises “A Genuine Old-Time General Store” that has been serving Rivers Inlet for over 65 years. The family run General Store is very good and we bought t-shirts and hats prove we made it this far. There is no phone reception here but the wi-fi allows us to connect with family and post to the blog. At the store, we are informed that a Grizzly bear and a cougar have been spotted near the docks during the past week. Blue will be sleeping inside tonight. 

The homes and general store at Dawsons Landing
This float home is being moved 
Rob and Bill went out and dropped the prawn traps tonight and in the morning before we depart, they will pull them up.  We are enjoying our first real summer night at sea. 

Getting ready to drop the prawn trap
The view from our dock

After this post, we will again be out of touch for several days. Next wi-fi stop will be Bella Bella/Shearwater around July 23rd.  Between now and then, we'll be anchoring at Green Island and Fancy Cove and hoping to catch some salmon.

1 comment:

  1. "around" the 23rd? You better be there to pick me up! Don't strand me in Bella Bella... NOOO!!!!!
