
July 21 - Our third and last day in Fancy Cove

Tomorrow we will move on to the metropolis that is Shearwater where there will be shopping, laundry, wi-fi and even a restaurant!  I found these three days in Fancy Cove to be restorative and peaceful and I have not suffered from cabin fever.  Maybe it’s because I knew we were only here for three days but I have managed to luxuriate in being unplugged and isolated.
When we are at anchor (and without access to an electrical plug-in) for days at a time, we need to recharge our “house batteries” almost daily. We do that by turning on the generator for an hour or so.  When the house batteries are charged, we can use the lights, coffee maker, dvd player, radio, iPod dock etc.  However, we cannot use certain appliances that generate heat, such as a hairdryer, toaster or microwave unless we are plugged into shore power or have the generator running.    As a result, we have developed the strange habit of always making toast while the generator runs.  Although we do not often eat toast at home, it has become a forbidden fruit onboard.  Last night Rob said, “I’m going to run the generator in the morning and we can have toast”.  And I said, “Yay, I love toast”.  What can I say, we are simple folk.  Admit it though, you want some toast now.  Lately, we have been enjoying ours with marmalade. 
Post-script:  We pulled our crab trap to find only this magnificent Sea Star, which was gently returned to the water after posing for these photos.

The Sea Star's magnificent underbelly
Post post-script
Bill did catch crab.  And a Coho Salmon.  He cooked the crabs and we cooked the salmon and then we convened at our boat for dinner.

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