
July 20 - Fancy Cove, day 2

It is absolutely pouring and blowing today.  Bill and Rob suited up in their foul weather gear and went fishing this morning.   It was very windy at our anchorage and so I was a bit nervous while they were out in the dinghy.  I monitored VHF channel 9 -  Rob assured me he would call if anything untoward occurred.  There was no call from Rob but I did hear two other boats arranging to meet up for drinks later today.  Mistakenly, I thought it was Eileen calling me and I joined in the conversation for a brief period.  Embarrassing. 

Rob and Bill head out fishing
We are on day two of the three we will spend in Fancy Cove.  This is the longest we have stayed in one place where there is nowhere to go ashore (i.e. walk).  In addition to preparing meals, cleaning, tightening up the stern lines, fixing and sorting things, we go out in the dinghy every few hours with Blue to look around, get blown about and soaked.  We are not bored and remain content; nevertheless, we wonder how we will feel by day three with no exercise.   I suggest we eat light during this time.  Rob agrees; however, today started with a delivery of Bill’s freshly baked cinnamon buns. 
Rob caught a cod today and we had that for dinner.  Until about 6 p.m., the wind howled, our bow bounced around and the stern lines were pulled taut but our boat stayed put.  As we fell asleep the rain was pounding the boat but we felt safe and sound in the middle of nowhere.  

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