
The Lost Jedediah Island Photos...

On our way to Jedediah Island, a view from the loo

That is me, climbing up to tie our stern line to a secure point on shore
Photo taken by Rob from the comfort of our boat
M.V. Ceilidh I and M.V. Free Spirit V,
both are anchored and stern tied

Our dinghy awaits while we take Blue for a walk on shore

Driftwood Beach 

The homestead overlooking a bay

One of the beaches, completely covered in oysters

The dinghies, ready for prawning

Readying our prawn trap

Now what?

The varied landscape of Jedediah Island


  1. Jedidiah brings back fond memories of years ago. We knew Mary & Al Palmer, as we used to walk a trail to thier place. (the homestead)They were the nicest people.We anchored the houseboat at Deep Bay, with our workboat as we were Log Salvagers.We painted Tee Bird @ on the rocks in the bay. Also
    had lines to hook up to. I wonder if they are still there.
    I would love to see Jedidiah again, before I get too old.

    1. Hi Donna,
      Thanks for your comment. It is a special place indeed. I will look for your Tee Bird when we are next there. I hope you get back there again!
